Thursday, February 28, 2019

Introduction - Week 1

This is my introduction blog for RES701, I'm going in rather blind at this stage but I expect this blog to evolve and transform as I learn new research concepts throughout this semester.

Lars has outlined that this blog is of a more serious nature than the typical blog we are tasked with in this degree. Henceforth I will be putting a consistent effort into this venture by taking the time to reflect on what I have learned during my own personal journey through this course.

One concept Lars has spoken of today is the importance of writing in a clear & understandable manner so that your work may be understood by others. This is personally something I am concerned with in my own work when I am writing assignments sometimes I find myself concerned as to whether my ideas are making sense to somebody else. Seeking feedback on this will be critical.

1. What do you think research is?

From my currently ignorant standpoint, I would use the following points to describe research:
  • Investigating something 'unknown'
  • Using found information to solve a problem
  • Identifying patterns within a set of information
  • Potentially finding new problems that were not known of before
It essentially boils down to the gathering of information from one or more sources, then from that information concluding something new, this is used to further the understanding of the topic at hand.

My understanding is currently brief, I will work on expanding my understanding as the course progresses.

The following link provides a more detailed explanation which I have found helpful in understanding following writing the above content:

This article mentions that finding information is easy but finding information that is credible is hard. I can imagine this being a challenge in the process of researching.

2. Do you think you will ever need research skills?

Absolutely, especially in IT as this is an ever-evolving field due to the waves of new technology being introduced which aid in evolving the industry and a consistent pace. To stay on top of the trends in an IT role it would be beneficial to have the ability to conduct accurate research. 

3. What do you think a research journal is and who is it written for?

I believe this research journal primarily exists for my own benefit, in helping me reflect on my thoughts and learning.

As for what it is, I am currently ignorant as to how my blogs will end up looking at the end of this semester but I can imagine that it will include reflection on the new research concepts that I will encounter as well as sharing of my own personal experiences in applying the concepts.

4. What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's writing or idea without referencing the original source or owner. Essentially you are making it appear as though you are the original source of the content wherein you actually obtained it from elsewhere.

5. Why is it important to avoid it? 

It is important to avoid due to it boiling down to being theft of someone intellectual property. Plagiarism is theft which can land in you in trouble if the person you stole from decides to take action upon you.

Getting caught with this can ruin your reputation as a student, furthermore as an academic and it may lead to your previous work also being put into question. It can cast a serious shadow over your legitimacy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jesse,
    I have tried to comment from my usual Safari browser a few times, now. And then I looked it up - it isn't supposed to work. So I am to blame. I am so sorry. From now on I will just read and comment your blog on Chrome.
    And it is a very nice blog - I hope that it will be as useful to you as it is to me :)
